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Employment Lawyers in Melbourne and Area Help You to Stamp Out Workplace Harassment

Employees in Melbourne, St Kilda, Dandenong, Geelong, South Melbourne, Footscray, Hawthorn, South Yarra, Glen Iris, Elwood, Kew, Brunswick, Moonee Ponds, Maidstone, Sunshine, and Newport -- do you understand your legal rights with regard to harassment in the workplace? Employment lawyers in the Melbourne area can help.

Workplace harassment can take many forms, but it is defined as behaviour that is “unwelcome and unsolicited” and that the victim (and any reasonable person) considers to be offensive, intimidating, humiliating, or threatening.

If you are being harassed, see if the issue can be addressed internally; explore your company’s policies to see what steps you can take within the corporate structure. If the harassment continues after you have exhausted all internal avenues, consult with an employment lawyer. You may be able to take your case to outside authorities, the police, or the Fair Work Commission.

Stand up to workplace harassment!
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What is Workplace Harassment?

Workplace harassment is separate from workplace sexual harassment, and can be described as "bullying.” To fit the description of workplace harassment, incidents must take place while the worker is at work or at a work function or where the harassment is occurring out of hours in relation to work matters.  If an individual (or a group of individuals) behaves in a harassing manner toward the worker, and the behaviour is unwanted or creates a risk to health and safety, it can be considered workplace harassment.


Some specific examples of this type of behaviour include spreading gossip or malicious rumours about the worker, threatening to fire the worker, or verbally abusing him/her. Also included are behaviours such as sabotaging the worker’s work by hiding documents or equipment, or not passing on messages. Humiliating the worker through the use of gestures or insults, ridicule, or sarcasm may also be considered workplace harassment. Unjustified criticism or complaints made to or about the worker also qualify as workplace harassment.


Unlawful Stalking


One type of workplace "bullying” is considered unlawful stalking. It consists of one or more acts of following: loitering near, watching, or approaching the worker. It can also involve unwanted contact of the person in any way including email, phone, mail, fax, or on social media; leaving offensive material where it will be found by the worker, or giving it directly to the worker. More extreme cases involve intimidating, harassing, or threatening the worker and even acts of violence against the worker or the worker’s property.


If any individual or group of individuals is creating a hostile environment at your workplace, consult an employment lawyer in Melbourne or adjacent community to explore your options. 

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